The purpose of this consultancy will be to support WWF-Norway's proposal development for new funding. Specifically, the consultant will be expected to support with the following
1. Proposal development for a renewed NICFI portfolio
Based on initial concept notes submitted to Norad in early Q2 2025, the consultant will lead and facilitate discussions with WWF-Norway and prospective partner offices to:
- Develop the problem analysis, risk analysis and baseline of the programme, drawing on lessons learned and achievements from the current programme cycle.
- Identify and refine programme and portfolio deliverables and target groups/partners at impact and outcome level.
- Develop strong theory of changes at programme and portfolio level and identify key assumptions underpinning them.
The consultant will also be expected to incorporate key cross-thematic issues identified by WWF-Norway into the programme portfolio, including, but not limited to, engagement with finance and private sector actors, and policy development at national, regional and global levels.
The deliverables and theory of change should be developed to respond to the six OECD DAC criteria of coherence, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. In addition, the consultant must also account for key cross-cutting issues of women’s rights and gender equality, human rights, climate and environment and anti-corruption, and WWF’s Network standards.
2. Proposal development for a new private sector development programme.
The consultant will support WWF-Norway to develop a grant proposal for a new private sector development programme, in partnership with other WWF offices and public and private investors.
The consultant will be expected to:
- Liaise with partners including WWF offices, the WWF finance practice, and external investors to identify, define and agree the modalities of a partnership with WWF-Norway.
- Develop programme deliverables based on the terms of partnership agreements and relevant calls for proposals.
The deliverables should be developed to respond to the six OECD DAC criteria of coherence, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. In addition, the consultant must also account for key cross-cutting issues of women’s rights and gender equality, human rights, climate and environment and anti-corruption, and WWF’s Network standards.
3. Development of portfolio and programme budgets; workplans and results frameworks.
Following the approval by WWF-Norway of paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively the consultant will support the process of developing budgets, workplans and results frameworks at programme and portfolio level with prospective partners.
4. Grant proposal writing
The consultant will support in drafting the grant applications for submission to Norad.